How prevalent is HPV and HPV knowledge today?

Approximately 20 million Americans are infected with HPV (2010).

An additional 6.2 million become infected with HPV each year.

It is estimated that 80 percent of males and females will become infected with HPV at some point in their lives.
There are more than 100 types of HPV

There are more than 40 sexually transmissible types of HPV that can infect the anogenital region (penis, vulva,anus and epithelial linings of the vagina, cervix and rectum).

Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second-most-common type of cancer that strikes women (behind breast cancer)

Annually, this malignant disease affects nearly 500,000 women and 275,000 of them die.

In the United States, for example, cervical cancer is the 14th most common cause of new cancers diagnosed among women every year.

The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2007, about 11,150 women in the United States developed cervical cancer and about 3,700 died from it. 

Lower occurrence of cervical cancer in the United States is largely thanks to the Pap test, which has helped decrease the number of American women with cervical cancer by about 75 percent in the past 50 years.

The bad news is that too many women are still getting cervical cancer and are still dying. It's estimated that globally, one in every 123 women will develop cervical cancer, if screened only with the Pap test.

In a national survey of 1248 women 18 to 75 years of age, less than 2 percent could correctly answer five HPV knowledge items, and just 40 percent had heard of HPV. Even among women who had heard of HPV, less than half knew it could cause cervical cancer.